The Latin Grammy Cultural Foundation annually awards 3 outstanding music students from around the world to develop their careers at the institution of their choice. One of those lucky talents this year is Camilo Astiazarán, a 25-year-old musician-composer born in Montevideo, Uruguay who was awarded the “Talent Scholarship for Tuition”, the first Uruguayan to receive such a distinction.

It took more than 4 years of hard and constant work to fulfill this impossible dream and represents a unique opportunity for the young musician to train as an artist and composer at the highest professional level.

He also received a scholarship from the Berklee College of Music, one of the most prestigious music universities in the world located in Boston, United States. There he will have the opportunity to learn with the best teachers and will be able to establish cultural and professional connections on an international level with musicians from more than 95 different countries. It is the ideal place to continue developing his musical research, through the fusion between Candombe and Jazz.

Regarding this exciting news, Camilo commented: “It is an honor to have been named ambassador of the Latin Grammy Cultural Foundation, and it is a great pride for me to be able to represent Uruguay and carry out the gratifying task of disseminating the music of my country in an international arena. I will carry out this objective with the greatest dedication, perseverance and responsibility that this implies.”

Beyond receiving these very important scholarships, they do not cover living costs, medical insurance, or the costs of study materials and technology that are required to attend. This is why Camilo is organizing a campaign to raise funds and those who want to collaborate can do so through an Abitab account and/or bank transfer.

He will also perform a show on Sunday, October 1st at Sala Camacuá to share his compositions and say goodbye to the Uruguayan public before going abroad.


Colectivo en Abitab:
134962 – Camilo Astiazarán

Cuenta del BROU
Caja de ahorro pesos $: 110158791-00003
Caja de ahorro dólares U$S: 110158791-00004

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